Pausing for more than a few minutes during enrollment might cause the app to close or end setup. If this happens, open the Company Portal app and try again.

  1. Open Company Portal and sign in with your work or school account.

    Example screenshot of Company Portal app, Sign in.

  2. When prompted to receive Company Portal notifications, tap Allow. Company Portal uses notifications to alert you if, for example, your device settings need to be updated.

    Example screenshot of Company Portal home page, "Notifications" prompt.

  3. On the Set up access screen, select Begin.

    Example screenshot of Company Portal, "Set up access" screen.

  4. Read through the list of device information your organization can and can't see. Then tap Continue.

  5. Company Portal will begin to sync and set up your device. Company Portal might prompt you to update additional device settings. If it does, tap Continue.
    Example screenshot of Company Portal, "Set up access" screen, with yellow triangle next to setting requirement.

  6. You'll know that setup is complete when all items in the list show a green circle. Tap Done.

    Example screenshot of Company Portal, "You're all set!" screen, showing all green circles.